How Long Do Mushroom Chocolates Last? How Long Do Mushroom Chocolate Bars Last?

Does Mushroom Chocolate Go Bad
December 2, 2024 | Elyxr's Blog

Did you ever think that you could combine mushrooms and chocolate into one heavenly treat? Yes, that is completely possible. You can now have a fusion of rich flavors of chocolate with the unique properties of mushrooms. 

Although, if it has got you wondering, ”How is that possible?” and “How long do mushroom chocolate bars last?” then you’re at the right place.

In this article, you will learn what mushroom chocolates are, how long they really last and what you can do for their longevity.

What Are Mushroom Chocolate Bars?

Mushroom chocolates are chocolate bars that are infused with different kinds of medicinal and functional mushrooms. The mushroom chocolate bar has the properties of mushrooms like Reishi, Lion’s Mane, Chaga, etc., with the decadent taste of dark, milk, or white chocolate. 

Mushroom chocolate bars’ effects range from boosting cognitive function to enhancing immunity and reducing stress. They are a convenient and tasty way to consume mushrooms that support overall wellness.

Factors That Affect the Shelf Life of Mushroom Chocolates

There are certain factors that affect the overall shelf life of mushroom chocolate bars. Here are a few of those factors:

1. Type of Mushroom Used

Mushroom chocolate dosage can either contain psilocybin mushrooms, adaptogenic mushrooms, or even medicinal mushrooms. Psilocybin mushrooms have high moisture content, which is why they require specific storage conditions to prevent mold. Similarly, adaptogenic or medicinal mushrooms are generally more stable.

2. Quality of Ingredients

Higher-quality chocolate tends to have a longer shelf life than low-quality ones. Sometimes, the preservatives used in shrooms candy can also extend their shelf life. The addition of other ingredients, like nuts, dry fruits, etc., can also affect the shelf life of mushroom chocolate since it can spoil easily if not kept properly.

3. Packaging

The packaging of mushroom chocolates can also determine its shelf life. Proper sealing can prevent moisture, oxygen, and light from entering and thus maintain the quality. Materials like foil, glass, and plastic make ideal packaging to help maintain the quality of these chocolates.

4. Storage Conditions

Proper storage is also very important for maintaining the shelf life of chocolate covered mushrooms. Exposure to temperature, humidity, and sunlight can depreciate its shelf life. Moreover, keeping them in cold, dry places can also be considered ideal.

Signs That Your Mushroom Chocolate Has Gone Bad

Mushroom chocolate can stay fresh for a long time when kept properly. However, certain conditions can also lead to spoilage. Here are a few signs to know if your mushroom chocolates are getting spoiled or not:

1. Physical Signs

Some changes in the physical appearance of mushroom chocolate can indicate that it has gone bad. The texture can be very crumbly, soft, and brittle. Moreover, there can be changes in colour, such as dark patches, thus indicating spoilage. Lastly, the presence of mold makes it certain that the chocolate has gone bad.

2. Taste and Smell Indicators

Sometimes, expired mushroom chocolate can also smell and taste bad. If the chocolate tastes bitter or unpleasant, then it’s most likely spoiled. Moreover, the odor of spoiled chocolate would be musty and sour. 

3. Loss of Potency

Spoiled psychedelic chocolate will lose its functionality when it expires. The mushroom chocolates with medicinal properties can also stop working or will not give the benefits they used to. So, if you are not feeling the effects that you should, it is a sign of degradation or spoilage.

How Long Do Mushroom Chocolates Typically Last?

The shelf life of mushroom chocolates can depend on the way they are kept. While typically, a pack of mushroom chocolates expires only within 6 to 12 months of manufacturing, depending on the manufacturer, this timeline can vary.

However, with improper care, your mushroom chocolates can even go bad within a few weeks. It’s always best to check the expiration date on the packaging before purchasing or consuming mushroom chocolates.

Can You Still Eat Expired Mushroom Chocolates?

While sometimes mushroom chocolates might not seem spoiled or degraded, it is still never a good idea to eat expired mushroom chocolates. Doing so can harm your health in many ways.

Even without any molding or spoilage, you can get foodborne illnesses, which are mostly caused by the microorganisms that stay in expired food. Moreover, expired food goes through chemical changes that make it unsafe to consume. It is better to discard expired mushroom chocolates to be safe.

How to Properly Store Mushroom Chocolates for Maximum Freshness

Keeping mushroom chocolates fresh and ready to eat can enhance your whole experience of consuming mushroom edible candy. Here are a few tips on how you can store them for maximum freshness:

1. Choose Right Container

Keep your mushroom chocolates in an airtight container, free from moisture and preferably opaque. This will keep away air, humidity, and light. This is the best way to protect your chocolates from spoilage and will help you enjoy the best mushroom chocolate effects.

2. Store in a Dry Place

Store your mushroom chocolates in a cold and dry place and in the dark. It is preferable for you to refrigerate your chocolates as it will keep them away from hot and humid temperatures, thus preventing bacteria contamination.

3. Avoid Extreme Temperatures

Try never to keep your mushroom chocolates in hot places, especially under direct sunlight. Such extreme temperatures can damage the shelf life of mushroom chocolates and spoil them.


Mushroom chocolates are indeed a delicious treat with an amazing mix of flavors and benefits. Hope now you’ve understood their shelf life and the proper ways to store them. So, follow the above tips and savor your tasty treats for a longer time.

With better quality mushroom chocolates, you can ensure that your chocolates won’t get bad before or too soon. You can get the best mushroom chocolate bars from ELYXR. We are committed to providing you with a premium experience from top brands.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Does Mushroom Chocolate Go Bad?

Yes, mushroom chocolate can go bad due to several factors, like loose packaging and poor quality of chocolate. Your chocolate might even start smelling bad as well.

Q2. How Long Do Mushroom Chocolates Last?

Typically, mushroom chocolates last for 6 to 12 months, although this can vary depending on the manufacturer. However, the storage conditions play an important role in the degradation of mushroom chocolates.

Q3. How To Store Mushroom Chocolates?

Store your mushroom chocolates in an airtight container or wrapped in foil. Keep them in a cold and dry place, away from heat and light. It is better to keep your mushroom chocolates refrigerated so that it stays well for a longer time.

Q4. Can You Freeze Mushroom Chocolate?

Yes, it is okay to freeze your mushroom chocolates. In fact, freezing them can also increase their shelf life depending on the type and quality of ingredients used. 

Q5. Does Mushroom Chocolate Expire?

Yes, like every food item, even mushroom chocolates expire. The degradation of mushroom chocolates takes place when the bioactive compounds break down, which leads to the oxidation of chocolate as it slowly undergoes chemical changes. Make sure to check the expiration date before purchasing mushroom chocolates.