Which Delta 8 THC Delivery Method is Right for Me?

Delta THC Delivery Method

Delta 8 THC is a cannabinoid that people can’t stop raving about, thanks to its mild but enticing psychoactive effects that are capable of helping us feel mellow and simply put… blissed out.  With its ‘high’ that’s about 30% less intoxicating than delta 9 THC, delta-8 is a cannabinoid that’s easy to fit into our daily or nightly routines.  But, which delta-8 product type is best for you, based on your goals with the cannabinoid?  Let’s compare delivery methods to help you make the best choice.

What’s a Delivery Method?

A delivery method refers to how the delta-8 actually gets absorbed into the body, whether that be through ingestion (edibles, capsules), inhalation (flower, vapes), or sublingual absorption (tinctures).  Each delivery method can produce surprisingly different results, and if you don’t know what those results are, you won’t be able to find the exact delta 8 product that’s best suited for your needs and preferences.  Besides that, while each delivery method is valuable in its own right, you may end up with one that completely interferes with your daily routine due to the duration of effects, potency, etc.

Delta 8 Edibles

Delta 8 edibles such as gummies and capsules allow us to ingest the cannabinoid.  Not to mention, there are various flavor options as well as milligram strengths.


#1: Effects Last for a Long Time

With edibles, you can count on somewhere around 8 hours of effects, thanks to the slow absorption rate that occurs when we ingest a cannabinoid.  This means that you can enjoy delta 8 THC’s high for a huge chunk of the day.

#2: The Body High Effect is More Noticeable

With delta 8 edibles, the body high is going to be the most potent out of any product type.  This can be very soothing for the muscles, and great if your body is feeling particularly tense.

#3: They Taste Delicious

Edibles offer a delicious flavor experience that you can’t get from other delivery methods.  Gummies in particular are hugely popular since their sweet, fruity taste is hard to resist.


#1: The Effects Can Take a While Before Becoming Active

Because of how slowly the digestive system processes delta-8, it can take 1-2 hours before you actually feel the high start to kick in.

#2: Cerebral Effects are Milder

Overall, edibles produce subtler cerebral effects, and stronger body high effects.  But, that doesn’t mean that the cerebral effects won’t be noticeable.  They just won’t be as strong as you may be used to with other delivery methods.

Delta-8 Vapes

Delta-8 vaping products are enormously popular, offering an easy, portable way to inhale a vapor filled with delta-8 THC distillate plus terpene extracts.  Available in both disposable vape pen and pre-filled cartridge form, they’re a delivery method that continues to be the most sought-after.


#1: Fast-Acting

With vapes, you can expect to feel the effects kick in within about 5-10 minutes, give or take.  This means that if you’re looking for a quick delta-8 fix, a vape can give you exactly what you’re looking for.

#2: Quite Potent

Inhaling delta 8 THC into the lungs promises the most potent effects out of any delivery method, which is ideal for those who want to feel as high as possible from the cannabinoid.

#3: Available in Lots of Amazing Strains

Vapes in particular come in a huge choice of sativa, indica and hybrid strain options.  This way, users can zero in on the more specific effects that they’d like to feel.


#1: Those Same Effects are Short-Lived

Vapes may be fast-acting and potent, but they’re also short-lived.  The effects generally wear off in about 1-2 hours.  This, of course, can be a good thing if you don’t want to be high for a large portion of the day.

Delta 8 Flower

Delta 8 flower refers to raw hemp flower that’s been infused with pure delta-8 distillate.  While technically, flower absorbs exactly the same as inhalable products, we’re making a distinction since flower offers some specific pros & cons.


#1: It’s Natural

Being a completely unprocessed product, many people enjoy flower since it’s completely natural and unadulterated.  It contains only 100% pure hemp, without any other ingredients.

#2: Very Bioavailable

Because it’s unprocessed, flower has a high bioavailability level, meaning, it’s highly chemically stable and absorbs very effectively into the body for maximum results.

#3: You Can Choose from Different Strains

Flower comes in a large selection of strains, just like vaping products.  Again, this lets you enjoy a more personalized approach to delta 8 by picking out a strain based on the effects that you wanna feel.


#1: It Takes Some Work

Delta 8 flower needs to be prepared in some way to enjoy it, since it’s raw and therefore the compounds are not yet activated.  This can mean grinding it up and rolling it in paper, or even breaking the buds apart to load them into a pipe.

#2: It’s Less Travel-Friendly

Flower can get a little bit messy, and it’s not something you can just stuff in your pocket as you go about your day.  So, it’s not the most travel-friendly delta-8 product.

Delta 8 Tinctures

Delta 8 tinctures are bottled oils that come with a dropper cap, meant to be taken sublingually (below the tongue) to absorb through the sublingual tissue.  Available in various milligram strengths, they’re quite a popular delivery method for hemp in general.


#1: It’s a Nice “Middle-Ground”

Tinctures are more bioavailable than edibles and less bioavailable than vapes and flower.  This means that there’s a middle-ground in terms of how long the effects last, how long one must wait before the effects kicking in, and how strong the effects are.

#2: Easy To Take/Dose Out

Taking a tincture is very easy, since you just fill the dropper cap with oil and pour it under your tongue.  This also makes it easy to control your dosage amount based on the number of drops you administer.

#3: A Versatile Product Type

Tinctures are most often taken sublingually, but they can be added to food if need be.  They can be added to a recipe or just blended with the food that’s on your plate to transform any dish into an edible.


#1: Effects Aren’t Very Long-Lasting, Fast-Acting, or Potent

Having a medium bioavailability level compared to other methods, the bottom line is that if you want the strongest effects, the fastest-acting effects, or the longest-lasting effects, tinctures are likely not for you.

Find the Ideal Delta 8 THC Delivery Method to Take Your Routine to the Next Level!

Overall, delta 8 THC is an incredibly bliss-inducing cannabinoid no matter how you take it.  But, most of us have specific goals and preferences in mind when taking any hemp derivative, so naturally, you’ll want to pay attention to what each delivery method has to offer.  This way, you can end up with the exact experience that you’re hoping for to enjoy maximum delta 8 satisfaction.