How Effective is HHC for Treating Gassiness?

HHC for Treating Gassiness
September 29, 2023 | Elyxr's Blog

We all pass gas from time to time, which is completely normal as it’s an important function of the human digestive system.  But, some of us may suspect that we’re passing more gas than what’s considered to be normal, and it may be paired with other symptoms like cramping and bloating, in which case it may be time to take action.

It may surprise you to learn that certain cannabinoids may help with excessive gassiness, both directly and indirectly.  Let’s examine HHC, or hexahydrocannabinol, a newer cannabinoid on the market that’s quickly showing a lot of promise.

What Can Cause Excessive Gassiness and Bloating?

A lot of times, excessive gas and bloating, as well as cramping, are related to diet.  This can mean that a person is eating a lot of foods that cause excess gas to accumulate in the digestive tract, such as vegetables like garlic, cabbage and cauliflower, or legumes like black beans and chickpeas.  These foods contain complex sugar compounds that lead to gas development.  If you have a sensitivity to a certain food, such as dairy, you may experience unusual amounts of gas when you consume it due to digestive distress.

There are also chronic digestive disorders that cause a person to be very gassy.  Examples are inflammatory disorders like IBS, where inflammation is triggering gas production, or chronic infections like SIBO, that cause excess bacteria to develop in the gut, leading to lots of gas.  Stress can also be a trigger, as well as having a stomach bug.

How Gassiness is Treated

Anyone who deals with frequent, uncomfortable gas should see a doctor who specializes in digestive health, specifically a gastrologist.  This type of specialist can take a colonoscopy to see if there are any abnormalities in the digestive tract that would cause the symptoms, as well as help you understand what may be triggering episodes.  They can also do diagnostic tests to see if you have ailments that are responsible.  A doctor may prescribe a medication to address the gassiness or the underlying issue, or even advise you to make changes to your diet.

You can also find over-the-counter medicines that help break up excess gas in the digestive tract, such as peppermint oil capsules or digestive enzymes.

HHC: Can It Actually Be Helpful?

HHC, or hexahydrocannabinol, is a minor cannabinoid in the hemp plant that exists in the plant’s seeds and pollen.  It’s psychoactive, and many say that taking it feels just like they’ve taken delta 9 THC, in terms of its “high”, and other properties.  To date, no research has been done to explore HHC’s potential, as the cannabinoid is just too new.  But, a lot of people have told us promising stories about how it’s helped them find relief, and as it is a cannabinoid that is supposedly similar to delta 9 THC, we can draw some pretty hopeful conclusions.

HHC may have antispasmodic properties like delta 9 THC, which can ease the smooth tissue of the digestive tract to make it less turbulent and gas-inducing.  At the same time, it may offer anti-inflammatory properties, as is common with virtually all cannabinoids we know of so far, to potentially address excess gassiness caused by gut inflammation – the underlying cause for conditions like IBS, colitis and Crohn’s disease, all of which can come with gas-related symptoms.

If you’re taking any types of medication, it’s then important to talk to your doctor before taking HHC.  This cannabinoid may interfere with CYP3A4 levels in the body, and this enzyme is critical for metabolizing many commonly prescribed medications.

Also, consuming HHC in the form of an edible may be the most effective.  This way, the cannabinoid makes direct contact with the digestive tract as it’s being processed through the body.

HHC: A New Cannabinoid with Lots of Promise

Overall, HHC seems to offer a lot in terms of addressing digestive issues, despite the fact that no clinical data has yet been recorded.  This cannabinoid is natural, nontoxic and legal, so trying it for gas-related problems definitely can’t hurt.  Again, consider trying it in the form of an edible, as that may give you the best results.