How Can Identical THC-P Milligram Strengths Actually Differ Per Product Type/Delivery Method?

THCP MG Strengths
July 5, 2023 | Elyxr's Blog

Tetrahydrocannabiphorol (THC-P) is having a major moment right now, becoming one of the most in-demand derivatives of hemp.  This naturally occurring cannabinoid is said to be about 10x as psychoactive as delta 9 THC, which all but guarantees an unforgettable high, complete with feelings of buzzing euphoria and soothing effects felt throughout the body.

The thing that we have to remember about cannabinoids, however, is that it’s incredibly important to be conscious of how many milligrams we take.  While THC-P is not found to be dangerous in any way, it is possible to get ‘more high’ from it than we bargained for, and it’s just as easy to take way too low of an amount to really feel any desirable effects at all.

Now, something that’s often overlooked is how the product type/delivery method we choose largely determines how many milligrams of tetrahydrocannabiphorol we should consume to get the desired results.  Basically, 10 milligrams of THC-P can feel quite different depending on the delivery method you’ve selected.

What the Milligram Strength Means and Why It Even Matters

Milligram strength refers to the number of milligrams of tetrahydrocannabiphorol that’re in a serving of a product.  This isn’t to be confused with dosage, which reflects the actual amount of product that we take.  For instance, if the dosage is one THC-P gummy, that gummy can contain anywhere from 5mg to up 50mg of THC-P.  What does this mean?  It means the potency of the dosage can be dramatically different.

Products that come in different milligram strengths include THC-P gummies and tinctures.  These products give us an idea of exactly how many milligrams we’re getting with each serving we consume.  With vaping products, recognizing the number of milligrams we’re consuming per puff is a bit more complicated.  How come?  Well, it’s because some of us inhale more deeply or for a longer period of time than others.

In general, hemp companies like ELYXR tell us on their product labels how much THC-P to take per serving, in order to make our lives easier.  It should be pointed out that due to THC-P’s high potency level, newbies may find it best to take half the recommended dosage as they develop their tolerance to this cannabinoid’s effects.

Navigating the World of Milligram Strengths Depending on Product Type/Delivery Method

When we’re trying to figure out the best number of milligrams of THC-P to take per serving, we have to consider a few different things.  One is our tolerance, since that plays a huge role in how strongly a dosage amount affects us.  There’s also our body weight, and the simple matter of how high we actually want to get.

We also need to really consider the delivery method.  The delivery method refers to the method through which the cannabinoid is “delivered” into our system.  Examples include:

  • Edibles (absorbed through ingestion)
  • Tinctures (absorbed through the sublingual tissue)
  • Vapes (absorbed through the lungs).

The delivery method determines how the cannabinoid absorbs, and also determines how much of the cannabinoid absorbs rather than getting metabolized and bypassing the endocannabinoid system entirely.

For example, THC-P edibles have the slowest and most inefficient absorption rate.  This is why it takes so long to feel the effects, and why the effects may be somewhat milder than other delivery methods.  Inhalable products like vapes and flower, meanwhile, have the highest absorption rate, which is why we feel the effects within minutes, and why those effects are so potent.

Essentially, what all of this means is that eating, say, a 25mg THC-P gummy is going to feel quite different from vaping 25 milligrams of THC-P, with the second method being a lot stronger.  So, we adjust the milligrams we take when switching between different delivery methods to make up for this difference in absorption rate.

Milligram Strength According to Product Type/Delivery Method

Time for the fun part, going over each product type/delivery method on its own and giving you an idea of how many milligrams of THC-P you should consume to get those desired results.  This information below takes into consideration the unique absorption rates of every delivery method so that you can know you’re generally taking enough to enjoy a solid but not overwhelming THC-P high.

THC-P Product Type/Delivery Method #1: Vapes (Disposables and Cartridges)

THC-P vape cartridges and disposables absorb in the same way, since the cannabinoid is being inhaled no matter what product type you’re using.  So, the general guidelines for dosing are the same.  The vape oil cartridges that are sold separately or come attached to a disposable device usually contain a full gram, which comes out to 1000mg.  And, each gram of vape oil offers about 100 puffs on average.  The problem is that some of us inhale more deeply, or inhale longer than others.  So, it’s really hard to pin down exactly how much THC-P we’re taking in by the milligram when we vape.  So, it’s best to just generalize it to 1 to 2 puffs per serving.

THC-P Product Type/Delivery Method #2: Flower

When we vape or smoke THC-P flower, we’re also inhaling the cannabinoid, so it absorbs in the same way as vaping products.  But, the difference is that flower does not have a milligram strength, be it loose buds or pre-rolls, since it’s the raw, whole plant.  So, instead of trying to assign a milligram strength to each dose, we just follow the same rules as above, going with about 1 to 2 puffs per serving.

THC-P Product Type/Delivery Method #3: Edibles

Edibles have the lowest absorption rate, and so we make up for this with higher milligram strength amounts.  This increases the amount that gets absorbed, and even helps the effects feel more potent.  THC-P edibles usually come in somewhere between 10-30mg per piece, since the cannabinoid’s potency means we don’t need to take a whole lot of the cannabinoid to feel very high.

THC-P Product Type/Delivery Method #4: Tinctures

THC-P tinctures are rare on the market, but they do exist.  They have an absorption rate that’s pretty much exactly in between inhalable and ingestible products.  So, we usually take about 10-15mg per serving.  To figure out how many milligrams are in a serving of a tincture, divide the number of total milligrams in the bottle by the number of milliliters.  If the suggested dosage on the label is half a dropper full, divide the number you came up with by half.

The Main Takeaway

Whenever you purchase a new type of THC-P product, you should pay close attention to how much of it you’re consuming.  If you’re switching over from another product type, you may have to adjust your milligram strength or dosage amount to account for the new delivery method.  Fortunately, by simply following the instructions on a product’s label, you will have a good idea of how much needs to be taken on a daily basis.